If you (or your relatives) feel that you need or would like additional support in discussing any aspect of your care or future needs, there are a number of outside agencies who can help. They will be able to offer you support services and advocacy (to help you express your needs and wishes and represent your views).

For these services please contact:

Social Care Customer First
(Suffolk County Council)

(0808) 800 4005 and
(03456) 066067
West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group
(01284) 829600

* All the new residents are encouraged to register with Guildhall and Barrow at Bury St Edmunds.


Local GPs Surgeries:

Angel Hill (01284) 755555
* Guildhall (01284) 702119
Mount Farm (01284) 769643
Swan (01284) 750011
Victoria (01284) 725550


Other useful Contacts:

 Age Concern: Bury St Edmunds: (01284) 769524
 Care Quality Commission: (03000) 616161